Microsoft Azure is the largest public cloud, made up of an ever-increasing number of services available from any of Microsoft’s 50+ global regions, including 4 within Australia. Microsoft are currently spending over a billion dollars a month on cloud development – adding to their IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service) technology catalogue. It is essential for you to understand cloud migration in order to make informed decisions about the services offered by your cloud provider.

Azure’s SaaS (Software as a Service) is an application that is hosted on a remote server and can be accessed through the internet. This allows you to always have access to your documents and information.

Why move to Microsoft Azure? 

There are many reasons to move to the cloud, but one of the most important is that it can help you achieve better reliability, scalability and flexibility for your organization. Give TechWise a call today to schedule your free consultation.


Businesses are required to protect their data and there is now a legal obligation to do so. Implementing traditional on-premise methods can be prohibitively expensive and often result in data breaches. The cloud provides an opportunity to shift security risks to our own dedicated SaaS infrastructure where we can provide proven technology and services to protect your information, reduce costs and meet your compliance requirements.

Microsoft uses a variety of tools and approaches to detect and block malicious attempts to access Azure. They use intelligent threat analysis, machine learning, and they employ human analysis as well. Microsoft is accountable for providing the most reliable and secure infrastructure, but with Azure these tools are available cost-effectively and with no capital investment

Microsoft Azure’s security protection extends across platforms, services, and workloads. Azure upholds the same compliance standards as your internal environments and meets data sovereignty requirements where necessary. Additionally, any workloads can be replicated across Azure’s 50+ regions to ensure your data is safe and meets the most stringent data security and availability obligations


With cloud, there is no upfront cost for infrastructure as you pay as you go. That means you can focus on just purchasing the features, security and scalability your business needs today and not worry about future costs. Plus, with hourly billing instead of monthly recurring charges it’s easier to manage your spend.

Cost is a key driver for many businesses, yet cloud computing can provide cost savings. With Microsoft Azure, resources are charged either by the hour, or by usage (e.g. volume of data stored). This cost includes licensing and all the underlying hardware requirements.

It’s no secret that economies of scale can introduce huge savings – and with its global scale, Microsoft does exactly that with Azure, meaning that costs are often far less than with your own hardware.


Reliability is paramount in business. IT infrastructure professionals and their team spend hours ensuring that everything runs smoothly, but they still need to work doubly hard to ensure nothing goes wrong. The cost of downtime, whether it be long-term or short term can be huge. How long would your customers be patient for if you couldn’t communicate with them?

Your IT infrastructure is the beating heart of your business. What happens if that piece fails? If your single point of failure is on premise and reliant on a single piece of equipment, a single power source, cooling system or even a service provider – one day that point of failure will be yours.

Azure provides the mission-critical tools that help you optimize for high availability and scalability. The built-in redundancy of Azure’s infrastructure enables customers to deploy highly available applications across multiple regions – so that when a failure does occur, you can continue operations.

TechWise deploys infrastructure using best practice methods including Availability Sets and Load Balancing to further increase the uptime of your infrastructure.


IT should help a business grow – not be a constraint. With cloud, the word ‘elasticity’ is often used to describe computational resources that expand and contract as required by the business.

TechWise South East Queensland can optimize Azure to automatically change its assigned resources depending on the workload. This could be coping with rapid growth, or the Christmas surge for retail, or the tax time rush in finance, or even monthly data operations for analytics.

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